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Cambridge, MA

The design studio explores how the interior architecture of performance venues-working in concert with building architecture and urban design-is an essential force in defining memorable sequence, identity and form. Through rigorous explorations of tectonics, program, materials and technology, the design will define the sequence of interventions that will express my interests in, and approach to, an existing community in Cambridge, MA.


The first step is to design a new ticket booth for YMCA family theatre. The existing exterior was made by brick without striking façade and signature to draw people’s attention. There is a ramp behind the blue window wall with one exterior and interior door which is really inconvenient for disable user. The design is to remove the existing glass windows to make a combination between Ticket Booth and existing ramp. The ramp would become a dramatic transition from outside to inside.


© 2020 CHIA MIN WANG, All rights reserved

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